2024 Spring Elections: Certification Oversight Panel Call for Nominations

Election Timeline

May 6th - Call for Nominations posted to WFTDA Message Board
June 3rd - Call for Nominations closed. Nominations must be seconded and accepted.
June 10th - All Nomination Paperwork Due to elections@wftda.com
June 10th - Any relevant member feedback on candidates for vetting due to elections@wftda.com
June 17th - Nominees vetted
June 27th - Nominees approved by BOD
July 1st - Election Ballot language & documentation posted to WFTDA Message Board
July 15th - Election Ballot opens
July 30th - Election Ballot closes

REMINDER: Any relevant member feedback on candidates to be considered during vetting is due to elections@wftda.com by Juen 10, 2024. It is appreciated if information is submitted sooner rather than later.

Certification Oversight Panel Seats 5 & 6

2-year term

Incumbents: vacant


  1. Eggs
  2. Vector
  3. Bert Hert
  4. Slaine

Nomination and Candidate Eligibility

Term of Office:

Each elected Certification Oversight Panel member shall take office immediately following the election and serve their initial term (one or two year depending on the seat). Following year elections will be held in the spring and all terms from then on out will be a term of two (2) years or until their successor is duly elected and installed. There is no term limit.

WFTDA Seat Eligibility:

In order to hold a WFTDA position on the Certification Oversight Committee a candidate must be a:

• WFTDA Skater Representative
• Vetted Volunteer
• WFTDA Officials Representative
• WFTDA Certified Non Skating Official
• WFTDA Certified Referee.

The candidate must have been active on WFTDA committees for a minimum of six months.

Nominations and Vetting:

All nominations shall be posted in one location on the appropriate organization’s forum. These will be the official Officials Certification Oversight Panel member nomination threads.

WFTDA Nominations must be made by a Skater Representative, or in the case of self-nomination by an Official, must be seconded by a Skater Representative. All nominations must be seconded and the nominee must accept the nomination.

The Election Committee reviews all nominees prior to drafting election ballots, in order to confirm compliance with candidate and election requirements. Once the nominees are vetted, the election language will be posted to the forum.

Elections are held annually. Emergency elections are held any time the Panel membership drops to less than 4 members. Aside from expiry of term, Panel members (including the Chair) may be terminated via resignation or removal by the applicable Board of Directors. Only people with the statuses listed under Eligibility above are able to serve in this position; inactivity, retirement, loss of Certification, or league removal as an active rep serves as automatic resignation from the Panel.

Position Requirements:
• Knowledge of the game of derby
• 2 years skating and/or officiating experience
• Participation in at least 5 WFTDA regulation interleague games. More experience, including WFTDA tournament experience, is strongly encouraged.
• Ability to be 100% confidential regarding received applications/references, committee discussions and decisions
• Ability to objectively represent WFTDA and work towards consensus
• Passion for roller derby
• Ability to be diplomatic and impartial
• Respect for the WFTDA and their procedures and philosophies
• Ability to meet deadlines

General Responsibilities:

The Officials Certification Oversight Panel is responsible for the management of the WFTDA Certification Program, audits of certification review results, appeals, management and hiring of Certification Panels.

Completed nominations must be accompanied by:

Officials Certification Oversight Application https://forms.gle/Rhophq6TUyEK3gF29

Letter stating:
• Intent to run and derby résumé
• Link to game History (if applicable)
• Qualifications - goals, plans, dreams, experience, etc.


I’d like to self-nominate for a panel seat (Vector, Ref Cert 2 / Western Australia Roller Derby Officials Rep).

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I nominate Eggs, Naptown’s head NSO, for a panel seat.

Reminder that all nominees must be seconded by a rep and the nominee must accept to become a candidate.

If a nominee is not on the forum please have them email elections@wftda.com to accept/decline


  • Eggs (Naptown Roller Derby) Nominated by Roulette Wheels (Naptown), Seconded by Rogue (Cornfed Roller Derby) , Accepted

  • Vector (Western Australia Roller Derby) Nominated by self, Seconded by Dreadlocked N. Loaded (Kansas City Roller Warriors), Accepted

  • Bert Hert (Roc City) Nominated by Danger Muffin (Bay Area), Seconded by Coffee (Gotham), Accepted

  • Slaine (Adelaide Roller Derby), Nominated by Danger Muffin (Bay Area), Seconded by Brace (State College Area Roller Derby), Accepted


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Both these nominations need seconds and we need an accept/decline from Eggs

Thank you for the nomination, and I am honored to accept!


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I second the nomination for Eggs.

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I second Vector’s nomination. :grin:


I nominate Bert Hert from Roc City.

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Reminder that all nominations, seconds and acceptances must be in by end of day June 3rd.

I’ll second Bert Hert.

I accept the nomination :smiley:

I also nominate Slaine, from Adelaide Roller Derby.

I’ll accept assuming someone seconds me. :slight_smile:

Need a second for Slaine!

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I second Slaine’s nomination.

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Nominations are officially closed and we have 4 candidates for this election.

Reminder application & letter is due by June 10.
Completed nominations must be accompanied by:

Officials Certification Oversight Application https://forms.gle/Rhophq6TUyEK3gF29

Letter stating:
• Intent to run and derby résumé
• Link to game History (if applicable)
• Qualifications - goals, plans, dreams, experience, etc.

Remaining Timeline
June 10th - All Nomination Paperwork Due to elections@wftda.com
June 10th - Any relevant member feedback on candidates for vetting due to elections@wftda.com
June 17th - Nominees vetted
June 27th - Nominees approved by BOD
July 1st - Election Ballot language & documentation posted to WFTDA Message Board
July 15th - Election Ballot opens
July 30th - Election Ballot closes