New Rules Timeline?

Sorry for the delay - this is stuck in production at the moment. I will ping people on Monday to find out what needs to be done to get this released and will update the implementation date accordingly.


The rules update has been published to the web site. I made the required start date March 1 to give people time to learn and practice with them, but leagues may opt to use them earlier if they wish.


Will there be an update of verbal cues and hand signals for section 4.1.5 Unsporting Contacts ?

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Cues and Signals are owned by a separate committee from Rules which I believe has not re-staffed itself since Covid. If something is truly broken (like how-to-call-illegal-exit) folks will figure out a solution somehow but I would not expect any new cues codes or signals anytime soon. Until then I think we will just continue to say “misconduct” and then clarify “pinning”.

I have reached out to officiating leadership to find out if changes need to be made here and the timing for them.

“Illegal Contact” feels like it would also work in many cases.



I do tend towards Misconduct hand signal with “Unsporting conduct - pinning” as my verbal cue.