2024 Spring Elections: Rules Theory Call for Nominations

South Bend Roller Derby seconds Huntress’s nomination


Currently need the following for these nominees.

  • Towanda - Needs a second and to accept or decline

  • Arya Ready - Needs to accept or decline

I’m unclear on whether I’m allowed to second a nomination as member league official rep but if yes then I second Rev Riot.

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Lansing Roller Derby would like to nominate Jahrmaggedon (Lansing Roller Derby).

Have accepted nomination via email to elections
Hannibull Wrecker
Rebel Yellow
Arya Ready

I will second the nomination for Jahrmaggedon.

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Beelzebabe here from Blue Ridge Roller Derby, nominates Towanda.

Assuming everything else is in order - I’ll accept my nomination.

But looking at the thread it looks like Danger Muffin nominated me (just ahead of Danger from Denver posting two other items), and Wonder Zebra seconded. This would appear to be two officials and I’m not clear on if that’s an allowable combination, the summary post indicates I was nominated by Danger (Denver Roller Derby).

This states Member Organization so if both of them are their leagues Official Reps they would qualify as I do not see it specify Skater Rep.

Nominations can be made by any Member Organization, and each nomination must be seconded by a representative from another Member Organization and accepted by the nominee.


Reminder the deadline for all nominations, seconds and acceptances is end of day June 3rd.

I would like as a skater rep of Namur Roller Derby to nominate Micro

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I second Micro from Namur

Thank you, I accept my nomination.

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Wreck-It Rebecca from Bellingham Roller Betties here and i’d like to nominate Rebel Yellow (Bellingham Roller Betties).

Should be up to date, still need 2 seconds and 3 accept/declines.

I second Rebel Yellow

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Sorry for the last minute nomination - I was getting my account access sorted, That Dumb B from Greater Vancouver Roller Derby Association nominating Arya Ready from Greater Vancouver Roller Derby Association

I Second Arya Ready from GVRDA

I second Towanda’s nomination.

Nominations are closed.
I will go through again but it appears that everyone has been nominated, seconded and accepted.

Application, Intent to run/resume are due by June 10
Completed Nominations Must be Accompanied by:

1- WFTDA Job Application: WFTDA Election Application (fill out and send completed link or PDF along with other materials)

2- Intent to run/derby resume qualifications - goals, plans, dreams, what you’ve done as WFTDA rep, etc.

Remaining Timeline
June 10th - All Nomination Paperwork Due to elections@wftda.com
June 10th - Any relevant member feedback on candidates for vetting due to elections@wftda.com
June 17th - Nominees vetted
June 27th - Nominees approved by BOD
July 1st - Election Ballot language & documentation posted to WFTDA Message Board
July 15th - Election Ballot opens
July 30th - Election Ballot closes