We’re going to make a change to the way users’ names are displayed when they post / comment. Currently only User ID gets displayed. If you click on someone’s User ID or icon, you’ll see a pop-up screen [called the User Card] with a summary of that user’s profile, including their “Full Name”, league affiliation, etc.
The change will be to display the users’ Name field (in addition to User ID) on each post / comment. Users have easier control of changing their Name (as opposed to their User ID), more flexibility in length and allowable characters, and can embed more information*.
- We also recently added a new field to capture users’ Pronouns. That field is visible on users’ cards, and you can change / update in your profile.
One of the reasons I want to call out this change is that some users registered their account using their civil name (“government”, “real-world”, or whatever you want to call it). It’s a personal choice, but you can absolutely make the Name field your derby name.