Suggestion to include pronouns on IGRF

Is it possible to get additional columns added in the IGRF for Skater/Official’s pronouns?

I have found that people are getting misgendered because people are unaware of correct pronouns. The IGRF is often given to commentary team to use as a guide, but without pronouns listed mistakes can happen.

They can be added into the team lists on the scoreboard, so I was hoping it wouldn’t be a too complicated thing?

But also, is there a better way for teams and officials to easily communicate pronouns that will help further inclusion within the derby game and community?


That would be a more complicated update than what it might seem. It’s a good suggestion, and I can see adding it to a “future changes” list, but I don’t know that I can justify opening the can of worms for that update alone.

That is totally fair. A future changes/updates list would be a good place for this, and next time something is worked on, it would be good to think this through too.

Unless there is other ways to achieve that goal?

I only recently became aware of the IGRF not having it, because i was acting THNSO. I hadn’t dealt with the stats book before, so it was a new realisation on the barrier for many people to feel confident in pronouns etc in their roles.

I’m not infront of a statsbook, but aren’t the Skater & Officials name columns just merged cells across three or four columns (depending on if Home or Away team - that’s another change I’d like to see, having both of those sides standardised, but that’s not this thread)

Could you not just unmerge them, and have the Pronouns in the last column?
This would then not make any difference to any formulas that look at Skater Name/Number (as a merger of cells C16:F16 is only ever referenced as C16 in formulas). Then F16 is the pronouns cell

The only other place that then needs to be changed is in the “whiteboard” sheet that typically gets printed for the commentators (at least, here in Australia) to have that included as part of the output

I could mock something up tonight after work - unless there are things on the WFTDA side when importing the IGRF from Sanctioned games, I really don’t see this being a big a job as you imply

You see the tip of the iceberg. Updating an organizational asset that’s used across multiple parts of the org (Sanctioning, Officiating, Stats) and triggers development in multiple external systems (CRG, StatsBook Checker) is a pile of work for a pile of people. Not to mention that adding / resizing columns is always more complicated than what it seems at first.

I appreciate your offer to help. If you’re interested in volunteering for OffTech and/or the StatsBook team, certainly please drop me a line. I don’t know that we’re actively hiring, but I’d be glad to keep track of folks willing to contribute. (Hacking on the StatsBook on your own and sending us something isn’t really all that helpful though.)


Pronouns are required in the member portal and appear on the approved team charter roster. You could ask the participating teams to not just give you the game roster, but give you the charter, too.

This would also help with checking the game roster against the active charter roster to make sure that all participating skaters are approved to play. It’s not the officials’ job to check this, but there’s more likelihood of these things being caught if more people have the charter.

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And as a side note to that: You can copy a complete charter including pronouns into CRG in one go. Just mark all the cells from column B (Uniform Number) to column J (Pronouns) and from row 13 (first skater) to the last row with a skater. Copy. Paste into the new skater Name or Number field.

If you run CRG in a network, you can then give the announcers a device showing the Roster View, which includes the pronouns and also highlights the current lineup as far as CRG knows it (Jammers & Pivots when entered by the SBO, full lineups when using e(P)LT).


And as a side note to the side note, I would encourage people to add their preferred pronouns into Membersuite so they will populate onto a new charter update or amendment. When processing charters I frequently see the Pronouns field left blank (which means the skater did not enter it into Membersuite). Sanctioning does not require the field to be filled out as part of our approval criteria. We just do not have enough people power to check that. Tobias/Sanctioning Chair


As a second side note to the first side note, officials’ pronouns are also available, also in a place other than the IGRF’s. It is part of their Officiating Identity.

Officiating Identities are how we keep track of folks for Certification, and they include uncertified officials. That info is present in all of our forms for feedback, in the dropdown menus, but you can also see it in a sheet, here: Current Officiating Identities - Google Sheets

(The sheet contains no info that isn’t already public due to its presence on the forms.)

Any official can register their identity, whether or not they intend to ever apply for Certification, using this form: Create a Brand New Certification Officiating Identity …officiating identities are not required for anything besides Certification, but sometimes it’s nice to be on a list.

(And, any official can change their identity, for example to add or alter pronouns, using this form: Change your Certification Officiating Identity )

(And as a side note to the second side note to the first side note, I would like to give a shout-out to KT Boundary from Rose who has been Certification’s “Identity Manager” for several years, and to geoknitter who held that role prior. Certification is people.)

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It’s important to note, that if you use CRG to its full capability, when you add the team into the system, you can specify pronouns which allows it to be visible to the commentators if the system is used.

There is also the option in the IGRF to use the last tab which has the player names for the “roster”, to add those values on the back of that sheet allowing you to hand that out to the commentators.

Misgendering is often inadvertant despite how devestating it can be to the skaters identity. And many commentators I know are hyper aware of making sure they are as aware of the pronouns as possible.

It may pay in the interim to provide an additional document to the commentators if not using the CRG display for commentators.

(Happy to chat about CRG-Commentator screens accordingly).

TL:DR - I made a new spreadsheet to meet a need so the committees didn’t have yet another job to do :slight_smile:

For all our games (home team, open scrimmages, A and B Team games, sanctioned games) our league uses a “Rosters Spreadsheet” that is a copy/paste of parts of the IGRF (game info, teams info incl colours, roster list) with additional space for team bench information. There is a column for pronouns included. The sheet is available to anyone involved in bout organisation to add to or take from.
This information can pasted into the IGRF (edited post game for sanctioned games), team list posters for social media, makes it easier to share team rosters without making more work for officials or interleague, and can be copied into CRG.
We print the “Rosters” Tab from the statsbook for the MCs and have pronouns included for both skaters and officials.