Officials certification committee members

Pillar: Officiating
Committee: Officials Certification
Contact: Danger Muffin, WFTDA Certification Oversight (Chair)

Are you interested in helping us to evaluate and certify officials based on their performance, and to provide feedback to them to help them grow? We are now open for more roles! Please share with your league and friends – these job postings are not confidential, and WFTDA membership is not required to apply.

Our goal is to produce a certification result within 60 days of a complete application, and we need more help to do this!

We are looking to hire 5-10 people across all roles. It is acceptable to apply for more than one position if you are interested in several, but we will not ask you to fill more than one role.

Level 1 Panelist: Evaluates people who apply for Level 1. Decides whether to grant Level 1, to grant Recognition, or to “bump” for consideration for a higher level. Full description in the form:

Level 2/3 Panelist: Evaluates people who apply directly for Level 2 or Level 3, or who are “bumped” by Level 1 panelists. Full description in the form:

Copy Editor: Reviews Certification Summaries once the Panelists have determined a result and written a description, to ensure that the summaries are clear and concise and meet our high standards for communication. Full description in the form:

Certification Oversight: Certification Oversight designs and iterates on the Certification system in order to fulfill our goal of recognizing proven performance in roller derby officiating, while breaking down barriers to such recognition. We also evaluate requests for exceptions, appeals, manage the Panels, and step in to conduct reviews when needed. If you are interested in a role on Certification Oversight, contact directly to discuss.

Something Else? If you have a specific interest in the Certification system but none of the above roles captures the way you would like to contribute, please email to discuss!

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