Officials Certification Office Hours

WFTDA Officials Certification Office Hours

Cert is beginning to offer office hours, where members of the community can interact directly with the people who comprise Certification to ask questions, share feedback, offer their ideas, or air their frustrations. We hope to offer these every-other-month.

We will be offering two different timeslots to start, in hopes that everyone in the world will be able to tune in at some point. Our first two sessions will be:

  • Monday, October 21st, at 11am PDT (7pm GMT). We hope that some of the US can meet mid-day, and Europe who can meet after work. It is probably too early for Australia (but you are still invited!) Pre-registration ends Friday, October 20th.

  • Monday, December 9th, at 7pm PST (3am GMT). This is after-hours in the US if you couldn’t attend the first one, 10am-12pm across Australia, though probably too late for Europe (but you are still invited!) Preregistration ends Friday, December 6th.

In order to hold space (and because Zoom costs money), we are asking people to pre-register to attend. You can also pre-register questions, and we will answer those questions first, before opening the floor to others. For the first few sessions, we can’t promise that we’ll be able to cover everything. Here is the form:

For those who cannot attend, we will record the zoom. We will also be asking members of Certification who cannot attend to watch the zoom to be sure everyone is on the same page. If you cannot attend, you can also send your questions to which is read and responded to by human beings on Cert, usually within a few days.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Cordially, Certification Oversight:
Danger Muffin (chair; Bay Area Derby) • Don Scoreleone (Sacramento Roller Derby) • Eggs (Naptown Roller Derby) • Fantasmic (Independent from Long Island, NY, USA) • Slaíne (Adelaide Roller Derby) • Sticks and Stoner (Independent from the UK)


Pre-registration has now closed. If you wish to attend, you can pop on to the zoom here: Launch Meeting - Zoom but it may not work properly and it may take some time to “let you in.”

We’ll answer the pre-registered questions first, then move on to Q&A from those who said they wanted live time, and then we will open things up to the room! Office hours open at 11AM PDT (GMT-7) which is 23 hours from the timestamp of this comment I’m making right now.

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If that link doesn’t work, try this one instead: Meeting Registration - Zoom

An audio recording of the meeting is available here: Cert Office Hours 2024-10-21.m4a - Google Drive

You can download it, but if you view it in google it will also provide automatic captions in case you prefer to read than listen.

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A reminder that our next office hours is December 9th, two weeks from Monday. Please register using the above form. Thanks and see you there!

Last chance to register is this evening! Tomorrow I will send out the invites. See you tomorrow evening (PST)!

Was this today or is it still coming?
I registered but never got a link.
I got confused about if it was Monday or Tuesday 10-12 Aussie time?

Still coming! 21 hours from the timestamp of this post. Registrations process tomorrow!

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Great. I thought I’d missed it. But I should be fine :slight_smile:

If you did not register, you may be able to join here: Meeting Registration - Zoom